Fort Erie Multicultural Centre
Canadian Newcomer
Settlement Services
Building Community by Bridging Cultures
As a gateway organization at one of Canada’s largest entry points, the Fort Erie Multicultural Centre (FEMC) provides a continuum of services to support newcomers from the point of their first steps in Canada until their long-term integration into local communities.
Our Services & Programs
Language Instruction
Newcomers in Fort Erie can enroll in Canadian theme-based English Language Instruction classes with focus on Reading, Writing, Grammar, Listening, Speaking and Conversation for beginners to level seven. Classes are done in partnership with the Niagara Catholic District School Board at St. John South Adult Learning Centre.
Community Connections
We work with newcomers to develop networking and volunteer opportunities and host regular Conversation Circles to practice English in an informal, fun setting.
Team building and personal development activities through sports and recreation are available throughout the year for newcomer families and youth. Check our calendar for scheduled events.
Community Settlement
We help newcomers adapt to life in Canada through assessing needs, goal planning, and problem solving. Information and orientation is provided in group and one to one sessions. Housing support is available through referrals, education and information about local rentals.
Group information sessions and individual support for building employment readiness, credential assessment, career planning, local job search and resources, skill development and referrals to other newcomer employment programs and mainstream training programs.
Peace Bridge Newcomer Centre
A refugee reception centre located at the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie, providing hospitality for refugee claimants while they are being processed for their eligibility by CBSA. Claimants receive information, orientation and referrals regarding next steps in the Canadian refugee claim process, and as needed, assistance with transportation options, and housing referrals.
Helpful guides and links for newcomer support and community connections.
Help us provide essential services to newcomers with your generous donations.
Get in touch for more information or to access our programs and services.